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Pop Spot
Action Spot\t Trampoline + Dojo + Club
Art Spot\t Art Rm + Music Rm + Misc Room
Bio Spot\t Lab + Computer Room + Mole Room
Club Spot\t Tiny Mart + Soccer Fld + Club
Cooking Spot Incinerator + Hm Ec Rm + Wtr Fntn
Date Spot\t Tennis Ct + Woods + Library
Election spot\tPrncpl Rm + Teacher Rm + Lounge
Exercise Spot\tTrack + B-Ball Ct + Vending Rm
Fashion Spot\tBronze Statue + Computer Room + Gold Statue
Fashion Spot\tTennis Court + Art Room + Home Ec. Room
Fiery Spot\t B-Ball Ct + Soccer Fld + Incinerator
Friend Spot \tWtr Fntn + Nurse's Rm + Lounge
Garden Spot\tGrass + Field + Wtr Fntn
Homey Spot\tNurse's Rm + Hm Ec Rm + Rest Rm
Jealousy Spot\tIncinerator + Cafeteria + Hm Ec Rm
Meat Spot\t Pig Rm + Cafeteria + Cow Rm
Power Spot \tWell + Woods + Grass
Relaxing Spot\tAzalea + Grass + Bench
Shopping Spot\tSnack Store + Tiny Mart + Cafeteria
Spooky Spot\tMusic Rm + Lab + Incinerator
Sports Spot\t Soccer Filed + Pool + Gym
Study Spot\t Prncpl Rm + Library + AV Room
Twilight Spot\tWoods + Slope + Baseball Fld
Waiting Spot\tBulletin Bd + Big Rock + Rest Rm
Water Spot \tLake + Rest Rm + WellStudent Items
Beberapa kegiatan akan membuka beberapa item seperti, ski, perahu, alat pancing, dll. nantinya bisa nambah uang. event musim panas diadakan di bulan ke 6 (jadi sisain duit dibulan2 ini). Sedangkan musim semi diadakan di bulan ke-11 tiap tahun. Untuk pancing , potret , dan Sketching (melukis ) bisa menambah uang.
How to Unlock??
Boat\tDo Field Trip Event (Summer)
Camera Set\tDo Field Study Event (Summer)
Dust Cloth\tBuild a Locker Room
Fishing Set\tDo Park Stroll Event (Summer)
Skate\tDo School Trip Event (Autum)
Skateboard\tDo Athletic Meet Event (Autum)
Sketching Set\tDo Art Festival Event (Autum)
Ski\tDo Ski School Event (Autum) Guru - GuruChimpan Z = 500 - $4,460
Andre Cant = 500 - $4,600 power + exersice spot
Agnes Huff - 488 - $2,760 TAHUN KEDUA
King Ackbar = 481 - $3,000 shopping spot
Ryan Jonas = 470 -$4,600 STUDY dan art spot
Grizzly B = 460 - $4,320 HOMEY SPOT
Casper Dun = 453 - $5,180 SPOOKY SPOT
Jodi Bear - 443 - $4,030
Val Verde = 436 -$4,480
Jim Payne - 425 - $4,030
Dee Ducks = 420 - $3,000
Lior Long = 403 - $4,830
Sydney Sal = 383 -$4,480
Dan Black = 381 - $2,400
Jan Jiver = 375 - $5,180
Terry Till = 359
Jon Benson = 320
Doug Low = 319 - $2,060
Pat Greene = 304 - $2,590
Judy Holst = 300 - $2,470
Mat Dwyer = 300 - $3,450
Pam Tyree = 300
Iris Tolbe = 291 - $3,100
Mike Munn = 283
Edna Angel = 270 - $2,590
Alan Joyce = 266 - $2,060
Will Baum = 251 - $2,060
Bryn Bower = 243 - $2,760
Adam Bane = 242 - $2,470
Hilda Bag = 240 - $2,470
Lula Kent = 240 - $3,100
Jose Melan = 222 - $3,100
Chris Mize = 213 - $2,060
Joe Watt = 202
Corey Caw = 191 - $2,7600
Cara mendapat fasilitas2
~Art Room--appears when school has achieved Prestigious status, and have 1 Music room in school
~Arcade--appears when school has achieved Promising status
~AV Room--appears when school has achieved Potential status
~Baseball Field--have one B-Ball Crt, and 2 Tennis Crts
~B-Ball Crt--appears when school has achieved Development status, and have 1 Tennis Crt in school
~Bench--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Bulletin Board-appears at the beginning of school
~Cafeteria--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Computer. Room--appears when a lab is established
~Dojo--Build 2 Gyms
~Gym-appears when school has achieved Development status, and have all art style rooms (Music RM, Art RM, Lab, etc.)
~Home Economy RM--appears when Misc. Room is established
~Incinerator--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Inst. Shelter--have more than 2 fields
~Lab--16-18 Popular Spots
~Library--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Locker RM--appears few weeks later after Bulletin Board is established
~Lounge--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Misc. Room--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Music Room--16-18 Popular Spots
~Planetarium--appears when 10+ students graduate as astronauts
~Pool--appears when school has established a Gym
~Restroom--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Rocket Ship--appears when you have hired Sally Prin (Pink Kairobot)
~Snack Store--appears when school has achieved Development status, and have more than 10+ students
~Soccer Field--appears when Baseball Field is established
~Tennis Crt--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Trampoline--2+ Water Fountains
~Water Fountain--appears at the beginning of school
Challange(buat nambah uang SPP si Murid )
Agriculture = have 2 fields in school and 200 class GPA
Physical education = Tennis Court, Basketball Court and Track present in school
IT Information = 2 Computer Rooms present in school.
Music = 2 ART (ART rooms not music) Rooms present in school.
Philosophy = 5 Libraries present in school and must be currently in top 10 in school rankings and have reached top 1 at least once.
Catatan :
~ Kalau mau bangun ekskul lebih baik 1 aja . Di Challange terus sampe juara 1 , Trus ganti ekskul lain
~Kalo ada event , usahain ikut terus biar banyak murid pindahan
Action Spot\t Trampoline + Dojo + Club
Art Spot\t Art Rm + Music Rm + Misc Room
Bio Spot\t Lab + Computer Room + Mole Room
Club Spot\t Tiny Mart + Soccer Fld + Club
Cooking Spot Incinerator + Hm Ec Rm + Wtr Fntn
Date Spot\t Tennis Ct + Woods + Library
Election spot\tPrncpl Rm + Teacher Rm + Lounge
Exercise Spot\tTrack + B-Ball Ct + Vending Rm
Fashion Spot\tBronze Statue + Computer Room + Gold Statue
Fashion Spot\tTennis Court + Art Room + Home Ec. Room
Fiery Spot\t B-Ball Ct + Soccer Fld + Incinerator
Friend Spot \tWtr Fntn + Nurse's Rm + Lounge
Garden Spot\tGrass + Field + Wtr Fntn
Homey Spot\tNurse's Rm + Hm Ec Rm + Rest Rm
Jealousy Spot\tIncinerator + Cafeteria + Hm Ec Rm
Meat Spot\t Pig Rm + Cafeteria + Cow Rm
Power Spot \tWell + Woods + Grass
Relaxing Spot\tAzalea + Grass + Bench
Shopping Spot\tSnack Store + Tiny Mart + Cafeteria
Spooky Spot\tMusic Rm + Lab + Incinerator
Sports Spot\t Soccer Filed + Pool + Gym
Study Spot\t Prncpl Rm + Library + AV Room
Twilight Spot\tWoods + Slope + Baseball Fld
Waiting Spot\tBulletin Bd + Big Rock + Rest Rm
Water Spot \tLake + Rest Rm + WellStudent Items
Beberapa kegiatan akan membuka beberapa item seperti, ski, perahu, alat pancing, dll. nantinya bisa nambah uang. event musim panas diadakan di bulan ke 6 (jadi sisain duit dibulan2 ini). Sedangkan musim semi diadakan di bulan ke-11 tiap tahun. Untuk pancing , potret , dan Sketching (melukis ) bisa menambah uang.
How to Unlock??
Boat\tDo Field Trip Event (Summer)
Camera Set\tDo Field Study Event (Summer)
Dust Cloth\tBuild a Locker Room
Fishing Set\tDo Park Stroll Event (Summer)
Skate\tDo School Trip Event (Autum)
Skateboard\tDo Athletic Meet Event (Autum)
Sketching Set\tDo Art Festival Event (Autum)
Ski\tDo Ski School Event (Autum) Guru - GuruChimpan Z = 500 - $4,460
Andre Cant = 500 - $4,600 power + exersice spot
Agnes Huff - 488 - $2,760 TAHUN KEDUA
King Ackbar = 481 - $3,000 shopping spot
Ryan Jonas = 470 -$4,600 STUDY dan art spot
Grizzly B = 460 - $4,320 HOMEY SPOT
Casper Dun = 453 - $5,180 SPOOKY SPOT
Jodi Bear - 443 - $4,030
Val Verde = 436 -$4,480
Jim Payne - 425 - $4,030
Dee Ducks = 420 - $3,000
Lior Long = 403 - $4,830
Sydney Sal = 383 -$4,480
Dan Black = 381 - $2,400
Jan Jiver = 375 - $5,180
Terry Till = 359
Jon Benson = 320
Doug Low = 319 - $2,060
Pat Greene = 304 - $2,590
Judy Holst = 300 - $2,470
Mat Dwyer = 300 - $3,450
Pam Tyree = 300
Iris Tolbe = 291 - $3,100
Mike Munn = 283
Edna Angel = 270 - $2,590
Alan Joyce = 266 - $2,060
Will Baum = 251 - $2,060
Bryn Bower = 243 - $2,760
Adam Bane = 242 - $2,470
Hilda Bag = 240 - $2,470
Lula Kent = 240 - $3,100
Jose Melan = 222 - $3,100
Chris Mize = 213 - $2,060
Joe Watt = 202
Corey Caw = 191 - $2,7600
Cara mendapat fasilitas2
~Art Room--appears when school has achieved Prestigious status, and have 1 Music room in school
~Arcade--appears when school has achieved Promising status
~AV Room--appears when school has achieved Potential status
~Baseball Field--have one B-Ball Crt, and 2 Tennis Crts
~B-Ball Crt--appears when school has achieved Development status, and have 1 Tennis Crt in school
~Bench--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Bulletin Board-appears at the beginning of school
~Cafeteria--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Computer. Room--appears when a lab is established
~Dojo--Build 2 Gyms
~Gym-appears when school has achieved Development status, and have all art style rooms (Music RM, Art RM, Lab, etc.)
~Home Economy RM--appears when Misc. Room is established
~Incinerator--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Inst. Shelter--have more than 2 fields
~Lab--16-18 Popular Spots
~Library--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Locker RM--appears few weeks later after Bulletin Board is established
~Lounge--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Misc. Room--appears when school has achieved Development status
~Music Room--16-18 Popular Spots
~Planetarium--appears when 10+ students graduate as astronauts
~Pool--appears when school has established a Gym
~Restroom--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Rocket Ship--appears when you have hired Sally Prin (Pink Kairobot)
~Snack Store--appears when school has achieved Development status, and have more than 10+ students
~Soccer Field--appears when Baseball Field is established
~Tennis Crt--appears when Bulletin Board is established
~Trampoline--2+ Water Fountains
~Water Fountain--appears at the beginning of school
Challange(buat nambah uang SPP si Murid )
Agriculture = have 2 fields in school and 200 class GPA
Physical education = Tennis Court, Basketball Court and Track present in school
IT Information = 2 Computer Rooms present in school.
Music = 2 ART (ART rooms not music) Rooms present in school.
Philosophy = 5 Libraries present in school and must be currently in top 10 in school rankings and have reached top 1 at least once.
Catatan :
~ Kalau mau bangun ekskul lebih baik 1 aja . Di Challange terus sampe juara 1 , Trus ganti ekskul lain
~Kalo ada event , usahain ikut terus biar banyak murid pindahan
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